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Info & Collaborators

Security in focus - through all phases of construction.

ARKplus  has a working method, quality assurance and project management, which ensures a consistent and thorough troubleshooting despite very diverse projects. We can draw on a large network of competent technical advisers and experts who can contribute with the desired documentation and process / budget management as the project in question requires. It is our responsibility to analyze and follow the task closely, to ensure that the projects' many wishes and requirements are met in the best possible way within the framework set.

Durable materials, recognized technical installations and craftsmen, where there is both experience for well-done work, and warranty schemes if the accident ocurs.  We stay focused so that you can be safe.

A classic Chinese proverb says "If you can afford 2 loaves of bread, buy one loaf and one flower. The bread to live, and the flower to make it worth living".


Et innovativt puslespil

20 år som arkitekt har givet mig en begejstring for komplekse problemstillinger

og som kreativ arkitekt, at arbejde holistisk med at samle alle puslespillets

brikker til en funktionel og æstetisk helhed:

Funktionalitet                     - fordi jeg i over 20 år har designet multifunktionelle bygninger og shared spaces.

Energi                                  - fordi super lavenergi er fremtiden, og jeg har været med helt fra starten.

Økonomi                              - fordi man kan skabe smukt design af enkle virkemidler og optimal udnyttelse.

Kontekst                              - fordi naturen og byen og flere års intens kontekstanalyse hænger ved hele livet.

Klima & Bæredygtighed     - fordi det er sund fornuft, både for os selv og vores børn.

Lys, lyd & indeklima           - fordi vores sanser er vores liv - og skal tænkes med fra første skitse.

Praktisk & byggeteknisk    - fordi jeg er uddannet akademisk arkitekt, men også opvokset med håndværk og                                                   innovation og selv både har tegnet og bygget et passivhus til min egen familie.

Network- With a strong collaboration, we reach all the way around  and have  capacity for large-scale projects.

The architectural firm ARK +  uses several external advisors and partners. We know  each other's strengths and competencies, Vi  have the same set of values and we know we can safely  transfer responsibility to each other.

Engineering companies:
  • Green Tech Center near Vejle

Engineering company that advises on the path to optimal and sustainable construction with strong competencies within energy solutions.

  • Bjerringbro, Silkeborg & Horsens

Our engineers  masters all facets in the field of engineering, such as dimensioning, energy and indoor climate statics, dynamics, fire dimensioning, fire strategy and technical installation.

  • Sandberg Consulting Engineers  , Daugård

  • SRI specializes in load-bearing structures


  • Engineering consulting

  • Fire technical

  • Construction management

  • Construction Supervision

  • Energy calculations

  • Indoor climate

  • Sewage, road and construction

  • Plumbing engineers

  • Local planning

Design laboratory:
  • Åbyhøjvej 30,  Aarhus



Creativity,  humility and generosity

Architects, Inventors & Storytellers  


Kjeld Birger Kjeldgaard Ghozati - Partner in E + N architects

Jesper Christensen


Arinsto is an abbreviation for architects, inventors and storytellers and is a laboratory that develops configurable products within architecture and design.

  1. Website  -  /

  2. Type      -  Limited Liability Company

  3. Headquarters  -  Åbyhøjvej 30,  8210 Aarhus V,  Denmark

File sharing:

If you want to receive or send larger files - then we can send a link to a shared folder!

create one yourself here: ONE-DRIVE

Call: +45 6169 0271 or write an email!

Strategy for GDPR in ARK + 

(General Data Protection Regulation)


How to prevent ARK + data leakage and misuse of personal information:


In ARK + the trusted information is treated with discretion and confidentiality!

Name, Telf. No. And email is only available in  icloud - notebook

Email in outlook

Never given to 3rd party (subcontractor / contractor) without  consent

Pictures and info about buildings (eg customer's house / residence) are stored in case file on NAS drive / server behind Dual firewall.

Signed Power of Attorney for Ark + to run construction case and dialogue with authorities and sub-consultants.


ARK+ has dual firewall / router + security software and Anti-Virus scanner

no foreign USB drives are allowed on the network. Double backup of data.


privacy policy:

  • Processing of data                                                      Only in customer directory / list for own use

  • Security measures to secure personal data            Dual firewall / Anti-Virus scanner

  • The purpose of the data processing                         Contact and communication

  • Who has access to the information                          Only the company's own people.

  • Policy for whom the information is shared             Authorities,  sub-adviser  / contractor

  • You can lodge a complaint                                        Via e-mail or contact on this website

  • The right to receive information &  will be deleted / moved.             

  • You have the right to get info about what we store and  the right to be forgotten or moved from the customer file after the end of the case. It is my responsibility that data  will be deleted / moved. - Contact me here

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