functionally optimized offices & commercial buildings
commercial buildings with edge & sensible beauty
Here is a selection of the projects where I have been the responsible sketching architect.
Offices, shops, production & facilities for companies in private business must be incorporated with many functional solutions and elements: Flexibility and scalable spaces, flow and optimized execution of many workflows, arrival conditions, acoustics, lighting, durable materials and technical installations. These are projects where all resources and spaces have been utilized optimally and all the pieces of the puzzle have been thoroughly put together.

Helhedsløsning og kontor-faciliteter for stor-butik i Vejen.

Helhedsløsning og kontor faciliteter for stor-butik i Vejen

Færdigbygget Domicil og produktion for Jesma Vejeteknik ved Vejle

Domicil for pengeinstitut - Dalgasgade i Herning. - Lavet sammen med Erik Balling, da jeg var ansat ved Arkitektfirmaet Mortensen

Forslag til domicil for bank på Dalgasgade i Herning. - Lavet sammen med Erik Balling, da jeg var ansat ved Arkitektfirmaet Mortensen

Forslag til butiks- & kulturcenteret Kino på gågaden i Vejen - Lavet da jeg var ansat ved Arkitektfirmaet Mortensen