Hover IF gets a nice landmark
Vejle Amts Folkeblad
11/15/2015 - Of Torben Juhler
The football players in Hover IF are facing better times. The cramped and worn changing rooms are replaced after many years of waiting with new and larger facilities in a newly built clubhouse, which does not look like many other clubhouses in the kingdom.
On Tuesday, the client Vejle Municipality signed a contract with the construction company Stenhøjgaard. The solution company will be the general contractor for the project, which was sent out in a reverse tender.
This means that the price of 5.3 million kroner was fixed, and then the various construction companies had to give their bid on what the municipality could get for the money.
And the round building, designed by Lars Skinhøj, arouses enthusiasm both in the club and the municipality.
- We had a limit of at least 450-480 square meters if all our needs were to be included. Now we get a construction of 430 square meters. Nevertheless, we have succeeded in fulfilling our wishes, and that with a construction that is incredibly beautiful to look at. I think we get a lot for our money, and it has not at all become the traditional construction we thought there was only money for. You make a landmark for Hover IF, says Erik Hegård Nielsen, who is a member of the clubhouse's steering group and Hover IF's football committee.

Bygningen er udført med store vinduespartier og karakteristiske udvendige skærmvægge som indrammer og retter blikket ud mod kampbanerne og træningsbanerne. Idéen med skærmvæggene er at skabe en unik og smuk bygning.

Dagens Byggeri skrev: Et opsigtsvækkende design, der unikt indpasser bygningen til formålet og omgivelserne! En åben, lys og funktionel bygning med størst mulig udsyn til fodboldbanerne. Det skal være et sted, hvor man har lyst til at hænge ud.

Idéen med skærmvæggene er at skabe en unik og smuk bygning samt tilføje ekstra gode muligheder for ophold i læ, når man befinder sig på den overdækkede terrasse ude foran opholdsrummet. Samtidig er der 360 graders udsyn over anlægget fra tagterrassen, hvor fans kan hylde deres lokale spillere.