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Bolig, kirke & Skolearkitekt Århus & Vejle -Danmarks mest Bæredygtige arkitektfirma  | arkplus-nordic


ARK+ is located in bright welcoming premises at Korntoften 64 in Vejle very close to the E45 exit: "Vejle-nord" in the middel of Denmark - between Aarhus and Odense. You are always welcome to drop by and get a coffee and a chat about your project or your dreams.Please bring pictures or references of ideas, options and wishes.  


Contact us for a conversation about your project. I believe we can inspire each other and create architecture and design that lights up and makes a difference :)

Architect Cand.Arch. Lars Skinhøj


Korntoften 64, 7100 Vejle

Tel: +45 6169 0271

CVR-nr    37514594

Bank: Den Danske Bank, Financialcenter

Insurance: Professional Insurance in "DANSKE ARK"
Policenr. 211506.38766-1

Insurance covering: 15.000.000


Danish Architectural association, "DANSKE ARK", (formerly Architectural Council PAR) is an association of private advisory architectural firms in Denmark. "DANSKE ARK" purpose is to carry out the consulting architect companies commercial matters and to ensure corporate reputation, quality level and professionalism as the builders impartial advisors.
The association has about 700 member companies.


ARK+ goes more than 12 years back.

ARK+  special expert-competences:

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